We encourage you to become a member or renewing your DAVAR membership. Benefits of being a member of DAVAR include free attendance at all our talks and regular emails about our events and other Jewish events of interest. By doing this you are supporting us as an organisation. DAVAR is a very small charity and cannot survive without an active membership.
Membership payment is now being done by electronic BACS payment. (DAVAR, Lloyds Bank Sort code 30-00-01, account number 00145702). Please use your surname and FULL postcode as your reference details so we know who has paid. Please also complete the DAVAR subscription form and either email or post it back to us.
Our new annual membership fees are as follows:
Single £30, Joint £50, Concession £25
Non-member attendance for a talk £5.
Membership fees do not cover the cost for viewing our films at Scott Cinema, which is based on the cinema’s ticket pricing.
If you pay income tax, please also complete a Gift Aid declaration. As a charity, this enables us to reclaim several hundred pounds each year from HMRC, without any cost to you.