Welcome to DAVAR

DAVAR is an independent cultural organisation promoting events relating to Jewish heritage and culture. We are inclusive, welcoming and our events are open to all, regardless of ethnic origin or religious affiliation.

DAVAR provides a forum for advancing appreciation and understanding of Jewish life, culture and history . Our normal programme is a series of six monthly talks between September and April. Each year we aim to cover a wide spectrum of topics ranging from history, philosophy, art, humour and personal reflections. The talks normally take place at  Redland Quaker Meeting House on 126 Hampton Road, Redland. All our talks are free to Members. Non-members are welcome to attend but there is an admission fee of £8.00.

In parallel with the talks we have a monthly film, also between September and April. These range from serious Holocaust movies, to American family comedies, to films about the Middle East but we always aim to have some Jewish link. Our films take place at the Scott Cinema (formerly Orpheus Cinema) in Westbury Park . On occasions they can be full, so it is worth booking in advance.

DAVAR has now been going for over twenty five years, and over the years we have done exciting events such as a Jewish Book Festival, a Jewish Food Day, Art Exhibitions at the Royal West of England Academy and a series of concerts at St George’s Bristol. In 2015 we had a big party to celebrate our 20th anniversary.

We encourage you to become a member of DAVAR. We are a very small charity (1136652), and cannot survive without an active membership.

We are run by a small group of volunteers, so on occasions there may be a few days delay before we can respond to emails. We are always looking for extra people to take on tasks, particularly if you have the ideas and enthusiasm to help run bigger events. Do get in touch (link). Also let us know of your ideas for future talks and films.

If you are interested in becoming a member of DAVAR, please click here.

To find out more about our current programme of events either go to our webpages on Upcoming DAVAR events or click on the flyer below